niedziela, 9 czerwca 2013

Brace Yourselves, Exams Are Coming

We all know that exams  and  june are the best time for us, students :) During this time, our timetable looks like: window cleaning, dusting, cooking complicated dinner or doing the laundy. Because it just can't wait. For every student that is so obvious... Or I think I am finally in mood to read the Trilogy of Henryk Sienkiewicz...
But if you want to relax just a little bit, I recommend a short series called "Vicious". It is a british sitcom stars by Ian McKellen and Derek Jacobi,  gay couple who have been together for 48 years but endure a love/hate relationship. The sitcom has a very english sense of humor, and you should watch it with a pinch of salt ;)
Enjoy and  best of luck for your exam!

2 komentarze:

  1. You recommend a cool Tv series just before exams? nice move:D

  2. I laughed out loud when I read about Sienkiewicz :D So very true! To be honest, procrastination is not only students' problem, believe me.
